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The Guest Experience

(c) Natasha Marin/Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea.

This project has been from the beginning, a collaborative experiment. In order for us to truly succeed, we need to be present, willing to contribute, and open to the possibilities inside us and beyond our control.

As I type this, my daughter reminds me that some "daring," and a sense for adventure goes a long way too. This readiness to try something new is what sustains the dynamism of this ritual art practice. It begins when you give yourself the permission to do what you want to do in a way the defies even your own expectations.


Miko Kuro's Midnight Tea involves 12 Special Guest Roles, each represents a Japanese number from 1 to 12 spelled out phonetically. When a guest steps into the Role of Guest, albeit, Ichi, Ni, San, or Shi, etc., he/she must disengage unnecessary ego attachment to really embody this new Persona.

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